Saturday, June 15, 2013

"Not Grandpa's Chickens"

Why did I name the blog site "notgrandpaschickens?" Several reasons:
  1. If you read this blog, there will be several, if not all, blogs about chickens. We have 58 currently. Love them. Find them amusing. Entertaining. Educational. Frustrating. Expensive. Thus the "chicken" part.
  2. It's pretty difficult to find a blog name that contains the word "chicken" that is available. (try it) Lots of folks either like chickens, fight chickens, cook chickens, sell chickens, or buy chickens. Thus it had to be long and somewhat different.
  3. My grandfather had what I always called "a chicken farm." I later found out he mostly dressed chickens (must have been a Puritan) rather than raising them, but all the same.... Which is much different than what I do. I may dress some, but only my own, and I acquire them either through incubation, buying chicks, inheriting strays or receiving neighbors' unwanted birds. Not at all like Grandpa. Thus, "Not Grandpa's Chickens."

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