About two or three months ago, we put 20 chicks in the new pen number 6 with Tonto and two hens. Four that we adopted with their mom (one of the hens), three that we hatched from eggs our neighbor gave us to hatch, one exotic that arrived with a batch of meat birds, and 12 that we hatched from our laying flock. Those chicks are now getting huge! They also eat like crazy. The little ones keep digging out under the fence, but they usually walk right back in the door at feeding time! We figure that it won't be too long before that pen won't hold them all comfortably. Also,we can't tell if there are any roosters yet. That would be awesome-good if they were all hens! The exotic will likely be a rooster, but, we'll see.... Anyway, we also have to get two of the roosters out of the transition pen (Sammy's pen). Turns out that Coco's a roo, and the pretty black and white one, too. That pen currently has 3 Roos and 3 hens. Good for humans, bad for chickens. Sammy has them under control for now, but only because they are young. Thus Pat and Jeff started building Pen #7. We will probably put the two young Roos and half of the young hens in it. In three or four months, we should be getting lots of eggs!
The frame: