Sunday, December 15, 2013


Organic. It used to be a common word that could be used in everyday language. But it has been stolen by the USDA.
"Organic is a labeling term that indicates that the food or other agricultural product has been produced through approved methods that integrate cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity. Synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, irradiation, and genetic engineering may not be used."
Therefore, you should not use it as a generic term without qualification! It has been usurped into a labeling term! Nonetheless, I think it is a good thing that there is someone regulating food production. And that we can buy chemical-free, hormone-free, non-GMO food that has been produced responsibly. And, like any rule-making body, they are not perfect. They also sometimes are influenced by lobbyists, contributors, the scale of "national", and inefficiency.
When we looked at for info on "organic", we first found a website, published by the USDA, that gave only partial information. Ok, so we believe one thing. But it did lead us to a link to the full regulations. In the full regulations, there was a reg about ruminants needing organic pastureland. Well, hmmm.... Chickens aren't ruminants, but even if they were, the ground they peck around on is organic. They should not be fed any slaughter waste. We don't. The only meat they get is table scraps. Couldn't find the reg about organic feed and grain. BUT a friend sent me link to a brochure, also published by the USDA, that says that you DO have to feed your livestock organic grain. Now I know why they need such a large workforce to help farmers understand and implement the regs.
Then I thought to myself, why do I even want to claim my chickens and eggs are organic? My chickens are happy and healthy. The eggs are delicious. The people that buy them from me don't care whether they are organic, and currently I am always sold out. I only raise enough meat chickens for friends and family, and we all love them. They are delicious also.
I just have to remember not to use the Word.

1 comment:

  1. I love following your line of thought. Ya know, your eggs are indeed delicious. Maybe not organic by government regs, but they are "Happy Hen Eggs"!
