Friday, April 11, 2014

The three little piggies!

Yes! We have pigs! And they are cute! And they eat like, well, pigs! Surprise! We now have a new channel on our farm network, Pig TV. We can now spend our free time watching Chicken TV, Dog TV, or Pig TV. Hours of live, G-rated entertainment, at our doorstep!
Mohawk and Mother, waiting for their food. "Hi, Mom! What'd ya bring us?"

Pork Chop, waiting for his food. "Mom, Mom, what's for breakfast?"
Well, this particular morning, it wa a mix of brown rice, butter leaf lettuce, chopped mountain apples, a tablespoon of molasses, and soy milk. Mmmmm. And then I gave them some piggy pellets and cracked corn to round out the meal!

They love it!
Pork Chop does, too! Thankfully, he hasn't wondered why we call him that yet!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Sue, your piggies are sooooo cute! Pork hop is a good name. Back a decade ago when we last raised pork, Jimmy Dean was our last hog. Before that we had Habbersett, Bacon, and Hamhocks. When Mother eventually has babies, keep mein mind for a couple. We're thinking of raising our own pork again.
