And three little piggies stayed home! Yes! Two of our piglets left the nest yesterday. We sold them to a fellow farmer, who will love them and raise them. We thought it would be simple, to just walk in and grab the two piglets.... But, Mother was not so eager to let them go! The first one was pretty easy, but when she saw what we were up to, it got very challenging!
Here's Mother, guarding the door to her babies' room! Pat said, "I'll distract Mother and you grab the piglet." Pat distracted Mother:
But when I poked my head into the piggy boudoir,
those silly piggies weren't there! They had escaped through a secret back door! Hmmm...guess we have to be smarter then the pigs!
We did finally coax them out with food, grass,and kind words. Then we grabbed the piglet and ran! Mother was upset for a little while, then tended to her remaining three babies.
The two piglets that went to their new home are doing fine. The first night was traumatic of course because they were homesick for their mother and littermates. I wound up giving them an old wool blanket to snuggle into, hoping it would help. By morning things were better after their breakfast of cooked rice, cob, and canned milk.
ReplyDeleteJimmy Dean, the male, is the friendlier of the two. Mellie is leery and suspicious. She is not too sure that she wants me to touch her. Jimmy Dean already enjoys being brushed.
Thank you for letting me take these two. By the way, if the other brown female becomes available in the next 2-3 weeks I'd like to buy her too. Just in case......