Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Ohia Tree

The Ohia Tree
I look out my window, and what do I see? An Ohia tree. There are countless Ohia trees on my property. I live in Ocean View, on a property that is more black lava than soil, where Ohia trees thrive. I have taken them for granted until recently. Our tenant recently made two haku leis, one for her sister, and one for her grandson, from the leaves, seeds, and blossoms (lehua) of the tree:


When we sent down to the lava tubes under Ocean View, we learned that the Ohia trees are the first to grow on the lava. We also learned that the roots travel down through the lava to find the moisture in the caverns made by the lava tubes:

 Absolutely astounding! I have a newfound appreciation for the Ohia trees in my yard.

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