A poor excuse for a caregiver....
I am not a very sympathetic caregiver. I admit it. I do my best. But I always have the feeling that it's sub-par on the caregiver quality scale. My wife has been having severe arthritic back pain combined with fibromyalgia for the last few years; currently she's going through a pretty bad stretch.
Well, some days I manage okay. (Notice how this is immediately all about me?) I'll watch a movie with her, bring her healthy food to munch on, and be generally encouraging.
Other days, however, I may get grouchy, or go somewhere so she can sleep in peace.
Here's an example. The other day, she was bedridden, icing her back, and I was leaving with a friend to drive the hour and a half to Costco. My friend was waiting, I was in a hurry. I took a pee, and used the last little bit of tp. The new rolls were in the shed in the carport. No, I am not so evil that I left her with no tp, and forced her to hobble out to the shed! But, I really did the minimum. I grabbed a big pack of tp from the shed, threw it across the hall into the bathroom and sailed out the door! She had what she needed while I was gone, but no frills. Hehe.
When I got home, she even thanked me for bringing it in from the shed.
Shows that she's a good partner.