Saturday, March 14, 2015

Chick update

We were wondering how the chicks, born in a nest, up on a shelf, were going to manage to get down, eat, etc. We did put a little chick food in the nest and moved it near the ramp so they wouldn't just topple down. Although they might roll. I imagine at this point the hens were laughing at us! We got home this evening at dusk and the hen was on the ground, under the ramp, with her chicks tucked in under her wings for bed. She worked it out somehow. Why did I ever doubt? They just know how to do these things I guess.

We got home much later than expected because we stopped by the DMV to change the truck registration. That's a whole other story!

1 comment:

  1. I've been told that the hen goes to the ground and calls the chicks, who blindly take a leap of faith. They splat when they hit the ground, but being small, they seem to survive ok.
