Slowly..... And sorely.... An hour or so on days I am home, I am working on what will be the vegetable garden.
My homestead farmer friend came over the other day and helped me build my first grow box. Here's a photo:
You can't see what's inside, but it's layers of organic material. In a few weeks, I will be able to plant things in it. I will likely use this one for pumpkins. The livestock and our family can eat a lot of pumpkin! And plot number one is almost ready for seeding:
But I guess I'm going to pass on the "humped" rows. My garden advisor (aka homestead farmer friend) advised against the raised rows because they will contribute to increased soil dry-out. Oops. Ok, I'll flatten out and plant tomorrow. These plots, being shallow, will be used to grow lettuce, spinach, chard, collards and similar vegetables that don't require deep soil.
Wish me luck!
It's exciting to hear that your seeds are starting to sprout. I don't know about you, but I get a real surge out of seeding the seeds coming up. Congrads.