Saturday, July 13, 2013

One of the daughter's is home to visit!

Eden, the 'middle' daughter, is home, at the Four Daughter's Farm, to pay us a short visit! Yay! And "Yay!" say the old dogs, who haven't wagged their tails so much in the year since she was here last! Big Geea's tail was going back-and-forth-and-back-and-forth, etc., in double time - and she SMILED! (Mostly, she lays around until we lead her to her bowl to eat; and twice a day, she goes out to the field to take care of business.)

It was a difficult night for city-bred Eden however, *drumroll* as she was threatened in her bedroom by a GIGANTIC, BIGGER THAN SHE'S EVER SEEN IN HER LIFE, SPIDER!! She called us in, and, as we turned our heads to look for a weapon (we have a stash of appropriate spider weapons - shoes, flyswatters, etc.), the thing scurried off; we know not where. And, she was correct, it was very large and menacing - 3 inches across! We are very carefully avoiding telling her that:

  1. We have seen, and even killed, larger ones and
  2. We killed one last week that had a big white ball on it, oh, I mean her, as I assume the ball was an egg sac, or baby sac, or whatever. Now, I also have read Charlotte's Web, and know how many babies a spider has. And it was her favorite childhood book. But, well, you know, it was probably the only mommie in the clan, right? Right?
On the comforting side, we have not yet been bitten by any of these ferocious creatures since we moved to the farm almost 2 years ago, so we don't feel threatened. Eden, on the other hand, did not sleep well. Maybe tonight. If she survived - maybe I'd better go check on her.....

It LOOKS like she's okay....

This is the site of the great spider siting!


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