Monday, May 5, 2014

Day 2 of complete bed rest

Well, the hip feels better (who wouldn't, with total bed rest?). Therefore, I am not going to the doc today. I think I will recover, if I let it heal. So I am continuing with anti-inflammatories and some pain meds, and staying off it. Hopefully it will keep improving.

In the meantime, I have caught up on all 10 recorded episodes of Revenge. I am now working on the 8 episodes of Criminal Minds waiting for me.

I've also responded to all the web site change requests in prep for our meeting later this month.

And all because I cannot do the things I normally do. (Yardwork, drive, sew, cook, feed animals, etc.)

And I'm finding time to blog (about what I'm NOT doing, hehe).

Poor Pat is stuck with all the farm chores AND housework AND waiting on me.

I did manage to walk out to the chicken yard today because Pat put the babies out into the big pens, with the older chickens. They have been in the brooder for 6, 7, and 8 weeks (3 hatches) and are really ready for the outside! Pat put 3 into the chocolate pen. They had to hide from the big birds for awhile; then the big birds got bored and the new girls are now staying together in a corner, getting used to their new environment. The other 12 went into the main pen. They all ran into the coop area, where 3 stayed together under the counter and the rest are under the nesting ledge. They are very busy investigating the pen, via small forays, and then running back to their group, where they feel safe. There's one we call "Chappy," or "Cowgirl," because the fronts of both her legs are covered with very fine feathers (looks like fur). The name arises because the feathers on the legs and feet are only on the front, resembling western chaps. She looked very cute, running around the pen! We think most of this batch are hens, but we're never really sure until they either crow or lay an egg! One of our laying hens has 3/4 inch spurs!

I also sewed my missing buttons on - now that's something I never find time to do!

If I'm still laid up tomorrow, I'll start practicing my oboe!

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