Wednesday, July 30, 2014

My favorite time of day

Morning. I'm the only one up. Well, besides the chickens. Even the dogs don't really get up, because they know I'm not the one that feeds them. I love the peacefulness of the farm in the morning. No TV sounds. No people talking. Only birds chirping and roosters crowing. In the bathroom, there was a moth fluttering on the inside of the window and a bird trying to catch it on the outside of the window. Both were highly agitated, not really understanding windows. I debated opening the window, but the outcome was uncertain; therefore, I left them to their game. I can be very productive at this time, having no distractions. Alternatively, I can simply enjoy the peace and quiet, reading a book, or, like today, blogging. I usually have something I would like to blog about in a day, but don't find the time to do it. *sigh* Here I sit, with ten minutes to blog, and, well, I blog about blogging. Hopeless.

A flock update. The 24 meat birds are now lunches and they are outside in their nice big pen. They eat lots and drinks lots of water. Mini-me and his two Americaunas and the 4 juvenile hens are doing fine in their new pen; the Americaunas have finally started laying again. Not overly prolific, approximately 1 egg from the two of them every other day or so, but it's a start. Mama's baby, the exotic that came with the meat birds, is also outside, but in a hospital cage because she's still too small to join an existing flock. We still have Blondie, the mean-but-beautiful rooster, but our friend has promised to pick him up. He can't wait; the hospital cage is way small for a rooster of his stature! Tonto's pen has been very calm and peaceful since he has been the only rooster. And they have been consistently laying 3 brown, 2 olive, and 1 white daily. All fine and happy.

Pig update. We moved Mohawk to a new pen, away from Mother. He was always so agitated, and was very thin, and kept 'biting the hand that fed him." Literally. He is much calmer now, and may gain a little weight. We need to butcher Pork Chop. Just gathering tools and getting up the nerve. *sigh*

Well, time to go to my appointment. Another day begins.

1 comment:

  1. How is Mohawk doing? By the way, the rooster is doing fine. We've named him Freddy. I don't know why, but it's a name that I can remember. Remembering is the trick, right? So Freddy it is!
