Friday, July 11, 2014

My pet spider

I used to be afraid of spiders. A spider sighting would cause me to yell, "Pat!" and expect Pat to come running to deal with the thing, be it large or small. Well, since moving to Hawai'i, and especially to the Big Island, spiders have become my friends because of their natural pest-control attributes. The passing of a large wolf spider receives the same greeting as a mild-mannered gecko. I even have a pet spider that lives in the lamp by my bed. Well, I don't think it's the same spider it was originally. We are on about the third generation. Occasionally it disappears and then reappears, smaller. It lives in the lampshade. I just have to be a little careful when turning the lamp on or off. I used to be very irritated by the buzzing of the occasional fly in my bedroom at night. I would spend hours with the fly swatter trying to swat it, usually to no avail. Now, I just listen to the buzz, bemusedly, until it stops, accompanied by a small rattle. Looking over at my pet spider, he will have the fly in two of his eight arms, and he is sucking the life out of it. Easy to feed, no muss, no web, highly recommended as a pet.  Here's a photo of my pet:


  1. I really love this story, I guess because of the fact that most people hate all spiders and kill them on sight. I'm tickled with delight that you have a pet spider and are aware of the benefits if having one in your bedroom. My mom has had several cane spiders living in her house over the years. I recall the time that she was furious that someone in the house killed the spider living in her kitchen. She made me promise to find another and let it loose in her livingroom. As a dutiful daughter.....and to stop her moaning and groaning.....I caught one jumbo cane spider for her.

  2. Uuuugh. This story gave me chills when you told me over the phone - I could have lived without the photo. haha
