Monday, July 21, 2014

Too busy! I must prioritize!

Yes, I am "retired". Which means no 40-hour per week job. But it doesn't mean no work! And, yes, I live on the laid-back island of Hawai'i. However, sometimes the list of things to do becomes so long it overwhelms! That's when it's time to prioritize, stop procrastinating, and get some of those hated things off the d*** list!

For example, our taxes, both business and personal, were due in February. (Just like every other American.) We got an extension to August. Which is fast approaching. In one week, actually. This must move to the top of the list.

My box of car envelops was empty yesterday and I needed more. I know I have more, with my scrapbooking stuff. Most of which is heaped in the spare room, which now resembles a huge messy closet. While searching, a box of Mahjongg chips fell open all oven some stuff and the floor. I had to step on things to search through other things, etc. Never did find them. Cleaning that room and organizing that stuff has got to move to number 2 on the list. There are also over 100 bags waiting to be sewn in that room! And thousands of photos to scrapbook!

Because cleaning, straightening, and organizing are my least favorite things to do, it takes me 10 times longer than the average human to accomplish the tasks, if I ever finish at all. I tend to become easily distracted, thus the likelihood of not completing the task is high.

Wish me luck.....


  1. As requested I'm wishing you luck! I trust you mean the good kind, not the other. :-(

    Hugs and piggies, Bob

  2. I've inherited some of my "least likable things to do" list from you, I see! But I knew that :)
