Monday, April 6, 2015

The snake scare part two

If you read the comments on my blog entries, I stand corrected. There IS a small, wormlike snake around here. Great. If I wore a hat ( which, by the way. I rarely do. Exceptions are when it's necessary, like in the sun, or if someone has convinced me it looks good, when my vanity forces me to withstand discomfort until I catch a glimpse of what is definitely not cute!), then I would eat it. Because the very next day, after ridiculing my beloved for her claim of spotting The Snake (however small), I saw it myself! Or one of its 10,000 relatives in the area! Right there in the grow box! It was either a fast black worm or a small black snake. It didn't stick around for inspection. Sigh. More farm fun.

Today, I harvested a huge bag of chicken manure for my next grow box. Translates to: Today I cleaned the s*** out of the chicken pens and put it in a big bag for later use. More farm fun. It was so much fun, I needed a nap afterward. ☺


  1. Ah-ha! So Pat did indeed get to see a snake. How fun. Those little snakes are pretty cool. Not too many people get to see them.

  2. This little guy?
