Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The snake scare

Yesterday, Pat was preparing to stamp down our grow box when she cried, "There's a snake in here!" Of course, I was doubtful. There are no snakes in Hawaii. And, if we do find one, we have to call the state department of agriculture. They will send someone out, pick up the snake, track its origins, and try to stop the ingress of the species. So we want to be sure before we call. So I start on with the insulting questions. "Are you sure it was a snake?"  "I know what a snake looks like." "Could it have been a worm?" "No, it  wasn't a worm!" "How about a centipede?" "No, it didn't have legs! Out wiggled and moved fast!" We gave up looking for it, Pat stomped it down, and I started watering. Out came a squiggly, quick, almost-black gecko! "There! I cried! Is that it?" " Yes!" She exclaims! What happened to "I know what a snake looks like"? But at least we don't have to call the state to tear apart our grow box!


  1. Oh poor Pat! LOL! Sorry to laugh, but that's funny.

    By the way, there is indeed a small, black snake in our area. I've seen them in Naalehu and at my property in Mark Twain. They are a blind snake that looks a lot like a fast moving black earthworm. But it moves like a snake. Look carefully and you can see its tiny forked tongue flicking out testing the air. They like to travel in the mulch and compost.

    Tell Pat that the little snake doesn't bite. It's harmless.

  2. Of course you posted this on April 1st, there's room for doubt. :-)
