Sunday, March 8, 2015

Romancing the Stone

How did I ever miss that movie? Pat and I just saw out this evening at our supper club. I think I was the only person that had never seen it. Probably because it is an 80's film, and I missed a lot of the 80's, living in Europe for most of the decade. Anyway, in spite of Mike Douglas' horrible haircut, it was a really funny film. Predictable, enjoyable, and funny. One of the reasons I really like our Saturday night date night is that we don't choose the movie. That way, we see some movies that are really good that we might not ever pick out ourselves. 

We lost one of our layers last week. She evidently was not very happy in her pen; maybe the other hens were picking on her. But she developed the habit of squeezing under the fencing into a neighboring pen for visits, then returning. One day, she got her leg caught in the fence. Pat and Kui were able to free her and she stayed in b the hospital pen for a few days, but her leg was swollen and the third day she just died. She was a good second year egg layer too. Sad. However, we received 26 meatbirds (as baby chicks) in the mail, with one exotic buttonhead. After 5 days, only one has died. They are growing like crazy. I'll post photos soon. Now it's time to sleep.

Bon nuit.

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